Hartford Care closes 2023 with £5,000 donations to local charities

Hartford Care has closed out 2023 and launched this year’s local charity initiatives for all of our homes, donating a total of £5,000 in the initial stage. Each care home, as well as the team at the Central Support office in Basingstoke, were given £250 to give to a local charity of their choice back in December, whilst the numerous charitable community events we have lined up for 2024 will garner further donations and exposure.


In Basingstoke, £250 was donated to The Camrose Centre, which provides an open-access service to homeless and vulnerably housed people in the community. It is the only homelessness charity and the only day centre specifically available to these people locally. Hartford Care’s central support team delivered the donation personally. Below is a list of each location and the charities they will be working closely with over 2024.



Kevin Shaw, Chief Executive of Hartford Care, comments: “Our wonderful teams work hard throughout the year to fundraise for dozens of local causes and charities. We hope these additional donations will have a positive impact on families in the communities of which we are a part, helping those who need it most now and during the year to come.”

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